Monday, December 24, 2007

It's about Leadership!

If there is any doubt about who is best qualified to lead our nation amid the commotion of our day, be it radical jihad, entitlements and spending, global economic opportunities and threats, illegal immigration, national security, the degradation of the family, US educational plateaus or the situational standards of society; one only need look to the candidate who is able to bring together the best and the brightest and lead with principles of integrity! It is critical for any candidate seeking the office of POTUS to be grounded in core principles and values that are consistent with the electorate. Such principles are evidenced in the lives of the candidates, and can be simply observed in their personal and professional lives.

Even so, it's all about building dynamic leadership teams that can address the challenges we face as a nation, drawing strength and direction from the values and principles of the President, and recognizing that no one President is able to do what needs to be done alone. Hence, the call of Leadership, to govern with vision, principles of success, ethics, communication and capacity.

An interesting comparative -

Republican Candidates

Mitt Romney - Governor Romney's history provides a significant perspective on building dynamic leadership teams, whether in private and philanthropic enterprises or public service. His successes in business are legendary, and the teams he led for 25 years to turnaround innumerable and significant business are supportive of his candidacy, with little if any exception. His success in bringing together the needed leadership resources to turnaround the 2002 Olympics, is equally legendary. And, again, those whom he led in this endeavor support his candidacy, with little if any exception. And, as Governor of Massachusetts, he brought together critical resources to turnaround the Commonwealth, and those whom he led in this endeavor support his candidacy, with little if any exception. After 40 years of experience in business, philanthropy and government, Mitt Romney has built, with breadth, key and critical resources to lead important initiatives for change. They stand with him today, a statement that no other candidate can make who is running for the office of POTUS. What is of further interest; after 40 years the one thing that can be said of Governor Romney, is that he is a man of integrity, high moral standards and ethics, a man of great character. He has led with principles of honor and success, and without compromise to his ethics and integrity. Mitt Romney brings in the best and brightest to make a difference. Why is it that the Democrats are more opposed to, and critical of Governor Romney than any other Republican candidate?

Mike Huckabee - We can look to Governor Huckabee's 10 1/2 years in Arkansas to see how well he governed and built effective teams to bring critical and needed changes for Arkansans. Amid innumerable ethics charges and violations, compromises to Governor Huckabee personal integrity (questionable compensation outside of his gubernatorial position), and lack of support from his Republican constituency, it appears that his leadership in Arkansas was significantly lacking. I can understand as a Republican Governor that the Democratic leadership and biased media in Arkansas would be opposed to Governor Huckabee's Presidential candidacy, as it would speak to his principled leadership as a Republican. But, when Governor Huckabee's strongest opponents are the Republican leadership in Arkansas, it speaks volumes to the lack of leadership. It is also illustrative that he has been a rogue in the Republican Party, without engendering needed support. What greater illustration is there of failing to build dynamic leadership teams within the principles that he stands for? Mike Huckabee brings in those who make him feel good and lift him up.

Rudy Giuliani - We have a great opportunity to look at the capacities of Mayor Giuliani, and with whom he chose to bring into his leadership teams. It is apparent that he surrounded himself with those he trusted most; Bernard Kerik comes to mind. To his credit, he and his team accomplished a lot in his mayoral reign. The question one must ask, is at what cost? Surely, ethics were challenged, principles of integrity were questioned, and he surely didn't engender the support of his constituency in his dictatorial approach ('my way or the highway'). It was more about Rudy than it was about his team; why else was Commissioner Bratten dismissed as Police Commissioner. Looking beyond his crisis management of 9/11, the precedence established in his leadership was one of a dictatorial and conflicted reign where his constituency of New York City held him in low esteem. If his leadership were held in high esteem by his NYC colleagues, it would be self evident in the depth of his team, which is principally a small group held tightly in Giuliani Partners. Rudy Giuliani brings in those who honor him.

John McCain - Without any history of leading or governing, only legislating, Senator McCain is an unknown quantity and it is difficult to know who he might engage on his team. We do know who he has invited into the inner sanctum of his campaign, initially, subsequently and currently. Senator McCain has had anything but constancy of leadership within his campaign, nor has he been able to lead with confidence, evidenced by the rampant spending and misplaced trust in his campaign leadership. What is certain is that he is without needed leadership/governing experience, specific to being POTUS. However, John McCain would bring in those who would stand with him in defense of America, but would not challenge his positions.

Fred Thompson - Without any history of leading or governing, only legislating, Mr. Thompson is an unknown quantity and it is difficult to know who he might engage on his team. We can look to his Presidential campaign for a glimpse into his ability to lead a dynamic team for an intended purpose. The fits and starts and lethargy of his campaign are good indicators of his leadership. Mr. Thompson has not had any consistency in his campaign leadership, notwithstanding his claim of being the consistent conservative. Another indicator his resident in his decisiveness (how long did it take him to commit to run?) What is certain is that he is without needed experience in leadership. It is hard to know who Fred Thompson would call on.

Duncan Hunter - Without any history of leading or governing, only legislating, Mr. Hunter is an unknown quantity and it is difficult to know who he might engage on his team. What is certain is that he is without needed experience in leadership.

Ron Paul - Without any history of leading or governing, only legislating, Dr. Paul is an unknown quantity and it is difficult to know who he might engage on his team. What is certain is that he is without needed experience in leadership.

Democratic Candidates

Hillary Clinton -
Without any history of leading or governing, only legislating, Senator Clinton is an unknown quantity and it is difficult to know who she might engage on her team. What is certain is that she would hope to resurrect the Bill Clinton team to govern, a team fraught with ethics and integrity challenges. That presupposes she could garner their support, as most have been in opposition to the Clinton's since they left the administration, in fact many are supportive of Barack Obama. For certain, having never led any enterprise, she is without needed experience in leadership. An interesting study would be to list all who have worked with, or served with Bill and Hillary Clinton, and pose the question, do they support them today? A long list to cull through, but a very short list of those still supportive. I suppose we can count Sandy Berger among the supporters.

Barack Obama - Without any history of leading or governing, only legislating, Senator Obama is an unknown quantity and it is difficult to know who he might engage on his team. He is a man of character and honesty, but to what end. He has recently surrounded himself with many who were associated with Bill Clinton. That doesn't speak well to principles of integrity and ethics. What is certain is that he has never led an organization and is ill-equipped to do so, being without needed experience in leadership.

John Edwards - Without any history of leading or governing, only legislating, Mr. Edwards is an unknown quantity and it is difficult to know who he might engage on his team. What is certain is that he is without needed experience in leadership.

Bill Richardson - As a Governor, we can observe and study his successes and failures in New Mexico. We can further look to his experience in leadership elsewhere. Governor Richardson is by far the Democratic candidate with the deepest leadership experience. Notwithstanding his leadership experience, he has not been able to build deep resourced teams to govern New Mexico. Given limited resources and challenged policies, it is hard to give credence to his candidacy.

Joe Biden - Without any history of leading or governing, only legislating, Senator Biden is an unknown quantity and it is difficult to know who he might engage on his team. What is certain is that he is without needed experience in leadership.

Christopher Dodd - Without any history of leading or governing, only legislating, Senator Dodd is an unknown quantity and it is difficult to know who he might engage on his team. What is certain is that he is without needed experience in leadership.

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