Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It was only a matter of time...

Today Mitt Romney ran an Ad in Iowa (kindly, I might add) comparing his immigration policies as Governor of Massachusetts with Mike Huckabee's immigration policies as Governor of Arkansas. A fair comparative, and done with respect. Governor Romney didn't use grainy pictures of Mr. Huckabee, or unkind words/interpretations, but written facts. He was even complimentary of Mike Huckabee's personal character. Some blasted the ad as the first negative ad in Iowa, but how else can you compare policy issues without looking at the facts. I appreciate the candor and respect.

Governor Romney has sought to frame the Republican campaign for President in competency, policy and integrity, and vision, attempting to keep the dialog on issues, principles and the differences between the respective Republican candidates; it is about the future of America. Last week he elevated the dialog by framing the role of faith, values and religion in the Presidential race, reaffirming the critical importance of faith and pluralism of religion in America; that no one religious belief shall govern or dictate our political landscape, but that a symphony of faith assures strength, freedom and resolve in preserving America as the hope of the world. With a clarion call, Governor Romney sought to frame the leadership in our Society, as it should be, governed by faith and values, and acknowledgment of God in our liberty, and not by any specific religious sect. Leadership demands the seeking of knowledge, truth and understanding before action or words that can harm, demean and destroy. Leadership should unify and inspire, leadership should engender feelings of patriotism and brotherhood for a common cause or principle. Leadership was self evident in Governor Romney's Faith in America address.

Unfortunately, Governor Huckabee wasn't listening. Rather than evidence leadership and character in pursuit of the nomination, he has let his thin skin and quick temper get the better of him. Governor Huckabee has evidenced his guile and duplicity in both word and deed. This Sunday Governor Huckabee is being quoted in the New York Times as having made an inappropriate and inaccurate query with regard to certain doctrinal beliefs of the LDS Church and Governor Romney. His purpose in this query was to ignore the framing of religion in politics and America presented by Governor Romney last week. In fact, Governor Huckabee has sought to demean and smear those of the LDS faith, and specifically Governor Romney by publicly delving into doctrinal matters without foundation, and promoting and taking the typical approach of the ignorant Anti-Mormon bigotry that exists in a small minority of society. He has shown his true self by this public display of ignorance and spite, thus furthering his religiously divisive agenda on the American people. More importantly, he has illustrated with clarity his incapacity for leadership in that which matters most in our society today, to unite all Americans in a common cause and purpose. I struggle in my observations, for under Governor Huckabee's affability is an unkind, mean spirited and prideful soul. My judgments are not to condemn Governor Huckabee, but to call him out for what he truly exhibits in his behavior. My hope is that he can and will change, and that the campaign for the Republican nomination can return to the debate of principles and unity in purpose for the cause freedom and liberty, for a strong economy, a strong military and strong families, even a stronger America.

Here is the link to Governor Huckabee's comments.


sara said...

Yes, it's about the nicest "negative" ad you'll ever see - I'm getting a little tired of everyone calling it negative.

Frank Luntz's focus group on Fox said Romney won today's Iowa debate; I sure hope this Huckabee surge diffuses soon. I think there's still time...

Carla said...

I had never thought Huckabee a liar, in spite of his political hyberole, until now. To make a statement that he, a Baptist pastor, knows little about the LDS religion is incredulous. He takes potshots at the religion, and then hides behind a phony facade of religious ignorance.
Frankly, I'm tired of the ramped-up religious atmosphere that Huckabee has managed to spread in the Presidential race. The 'Christian Candidate' label he attaches to himself is too much for anyone, let alone a Presidential candidate.